Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Great Taste of Cottage Grove 2012

The line-up has been officially set for the first annual Great Taste of Cottage Grove.  The event will be a blinded tasting of 5 different beers in 5 different categories.  22 participants will rank the beers from favorite to least favorite.  Votes will be tallied and metals will be handed out.  I will track results via Twitter with #gtocg

Here is the line-up:

IPA Category                                                                    Odds
Lane 1 - Surly Furious                                                          5:2
Lane 2 - Bells Two Hearted                                                  3:1
Lane 3 - Stone IPA                                                                3:1
Lane 4 - Founders Centennial IPA                                        5:1
Lane 5 - Lakefront IPA                                                           9:1

Stout Category
Lane 1 -Bells Expedition Stout                                                7:2
Lane 2 -Founders Breakfast Stout                                          5:2
Lane 3 -Central Waters Satin Solstice                                   14:1
Lane 4 -Great Divide Yeti                                                         4:1
Lane 5 -Oskar Blues Ten Fidy                                                 4:1
Lane 6 -Third Tier Ten Imperial Stout (homebrew)                 5:1

American Adjunct Category
Lane 1 - Miller High Life                                                            3:1
Lane 2 - Budweiser                                                                  6:1
Lane 3 - Pabst Blue Ribbon                                                     5:2
Lane 4 - Hamms                                                                       3:1
Lane 5 - Old Style                                                                     4:1

Porter Category
Lane 1 - Great Lakes Edmund Fitzgerald Porter                      5:2
Lane 2 - Founders Porter                                                          3:1
Lane 3 - Tyranena The Devil Made Me Do It!                            4:1
Lane 4 - Ale Asylum Contorter Porter                                        7:1
Lane 5 - O’so Night Train                                                           4:1

Amber Category
Lane 1 - Ale Asylum Ambergeddon                                             3:1
Lane 2 - Alaskan Amber                                                              9:2
Lane 3 - Bells Amber                                                                   4:1
Lane 4 - Stone Levitation                                                             3:1
Lane 5 - Sprecher Special Amber                                               6:1

Beer representation by State (please note for the first annual event, preference was given to Wisconsin breweries)
WI - 12
MI - 6
CA - 2
CO - 2
AK - 1
MN - 1
MO - 1
OH - 1