Wednesday, October 26, 2016

GToCG 2016 Coffee Stout Analysis

Great Taste of Cottage Grove 2016 – Coffee Stout Results
Gold Medal – Terrapin Wake n Bake
Silver Medal – Perennial Sump
Bronze Medal – Beachwood System of a Stout
Other Participants: The Bruery Share This and Dieu Du Ciel Peche Mortel

This category had the largest disparity from first to last place.  Wake n Bake had over a third of the first place votes and was consistently in the top half of most ballots.  I have always raved about this beer’s ability to blast with coffee while keeping some level of balance.  The other thing Terrapin does so well is match up a coffee and roast that pairs perfectly with the base beer.  Second place went to Sump with a beer that was either loved or hated with as many first as last place votes.  This beer was a little cooler on the coffee and lives on the strongest base beer.  System of a Stout was my favorite beer of the day and probably should have not been included since it has other spices in the beer beyond coffee.  Definitely my mistake for including it, but I was a huge fan and people loved or hated the spice notes.  The Bruery Share This actually tied for third and I don’t have much to say other than I was really impressed with The Bruery’s offering.  Peche Mortel was very consistently in the bottom of people’s ballots.  This was even a fresh batch, but it just didn’t offer up much in either terms of base or coffee

My Ballot
1) System of a Stout 2) Wake n Bake 3) Share This 4) Peche Mortel 5) Sump

The Takeaway
This is a category build on personal preferences.  Most of these beers really highlight the coffee while some do it with a balanced base and others want to show off the coffee.  The base beers were consistently very good with some being more chocolate forward and others more roasty.  I really love this style and I think I have finally figured out what the key is: find a coffee that matches up with your base beer.  Congrats Terrapin, you knocked it out of the park!

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